‘Corpo, automi, robot. Tra arte, scienza e tecnologia’

Corpo, automi, robot. Tra arte, scienza e tecnologia

October 24 – February 21, 2010
Museo d’Arte di Lugano

La mostra “Corpo, automi, robot. Tra arte, scienza e tecnologia”, indaga il rapporto tra il corpo umano e la rappresentazione che di esso è stata data da queste tre discipline. La rassegna, organizzata in collaborazione con la Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta di Milano, e che s’inaugura sabato 24 a Lugano, è allestita nelle due sedi di Villa Ciani e del Museo d’Arte. La prima ripercorre la storia degli automi, proponendo un excursus dalla Grecia classica – la meccanica come disciplina è un’invenzione greca del V secolo a.C. – ai nostri giorni.

L’età d’oro degli automi è il XVIII secolo, con lo sviluppo dell’orologeria e della meccanica fine, e sono per lo più gli orologiai che li costruiscono. L’obiettivo non è solo divertire, ma imitare e riprodurre le caratteristiche del vivente. L’esposizione parte da reperti archeologici, disegni, volumi e riproduzioni di codici miniati che descrivono gli automi realizzati dagli arabi; passa poi agli androidi sei-settecenteschi. Ecco il “Dessinateur”, realizzato da Pierre Jacquet Droz e suo figlio Henri-Louis nel 1775: il bimbo-automa, i cui occhi seguono la punta della matita mentre comincia a schizzare i primi tratti, che compiuta l’opera soffia sullo schizzo per levare i residui lasciati sulla carta dai diversi passaggi della mina di piombo. Poi si giunge alla robotica con, tra le diverse applicazioni, un robot dalle sembianze umane in grado di fungere da guida in musei e sostituirsi ad attori di teatro.

Il Museo d’Arte, invece, esplora le principali correnti artistiche del Novecento sulla tematica del rapporto corpo-macchina e corpo-tecnologia. Dalle opere dei dadaisti, con tra gli altri, le bizzarre macchine di Marcel Duchamp e Francis Picabia e l’immagine donna-manichino di Man Ray, alle declinazioni futuriste sulla modernità, con opere di Giacomo Balla, Fortunato Depero, Enrico Prampolini e Mario Sironi. Poi le macchine di Jean Tinguely e ancora…

2 Replies to “‘Corpo, automi, robot. Tra arte, scienza e tecnologia’”

  1. SEARCH FOR COOPERATION to the program:
    Paolo Manzelli egocreanet2012@gmail.com

    EGOCREANET NGOs c / o INCUBATOR the UNIVERSITY of Florence, with the Program FRIENDLY COMPETITION between modern art and contemporary science aims to help maximize a responsible social innovation, and therefore intends to: A) 1. Module – Art and Cultural activities: making cultural actions ( including art exhibitions) between modern art and contemporary science in the ‘intent to enhance and restore the Renaissance tradition of integration between science and art.
    B) 2. Module – Growth and Training Youth promote aggregation of structures and infrastructures that can stimulate and / or accommodate the production and use of cultural, educational and artistic works of the younger generation.
    C) 3.Module : Preservation of the historical and artistic heritage of Renaissance to support the role of Florence in the culture and creative development of Europe. .

    Key Concepts:
    We live in an era “Quantum” in which the frontier science plays a key role in innovation and life in contemporary society, but unfortunately the complexity ‘scientific quantum thinking leads to an increasingly deep gap between popular culture and scientific innovation in net negative ratio between research and economic and social growth.
    Program Friendly Competition is based on the bet to overcome the dualism between science and humanism, so that the ‘modern art feel committed to motivate the scientific knowledge, while the frontier science in particular, and neurology sciences life, propose to give further insight to ’empathy and the creative potential of modern art.

    Paolo Manzelli 06/05/2015 EGOCREANET2012@gmail.com
    Preliminary approach for opening a dialog:

    Dear colleagues in address ,

    EGOCREANET ONG c/o Business Incubator of the University of Florence (IT)
    would be a driver a contemporary art and science development within the program – “FRIENDLY-COMPETITION” aims to create a trans-disciplinary strategy of research and development on modern and contemporary QUANTUM ART AND CULTURE for improving responsible social innovation.

    Since 1997 EGOCREANET operated in the belief of unifying science and art to overcome the difficulties of contemporary cultural development coming from the science fragmented in disciplinary specializations so that science and art remains dominated by technological progress based on a conceptual framework of a “mechanical type”, that inhibits the natural consciousness and creativity .

    That scientific and technological mechanical paradigm, has now reached a tipping point with the result of generating a broad impact tending to the preservation of the dualism between the art -humanities and science. This traditional separation prevents a more open conceptual sharing of creative ideas and programs between science, art and society ‘to advance to a better economic and social future growth.

    Today in the framework of the development of the “knowledge society”, based on the development of the living-economy, the project “FRIENDLY COMPETITION” highlights the emerging needs to go “over” a narrow view of the ‘world increasingly dominated by the mechanics thinking, leaving no intellectual new space/time for the key emergent features of mankind in order to generate – through creative dimension – unexpected solutions, new possibilities, and new horizons in science and art/humanities , otherwise inaccessible to those who still pursues unconsciously parceled visions based on disciplines of the mechanical conception of reality ‘.

    Therefore it has become a important social need to awaken the conscience and a responsible creativity , giving rise to a scientific //art project based on transdisciplinary “Friendly Competition” between quantum contemporary science and art , in a way to give a cultural innovation in life sciences capable of overcoming the old scientific reductionism that was precisely the logic of mechanical obsolescent industrial society.

    On the basis of the Program denominated FRIENDLY COMPETITION between contemporary art and science we will organize a transdisciplinary network in Florence aiming to sustain the role of Florence City founded through the tradition of Italian Renaissance in art and science as a innovative fundamental integration of modern culture.

    For this mission and to develop an EU project on Science and Art Creativity, EGOCREANET ask to receive a preliminary adhesions to the Program FRIENDLY COMPETITION BETWEEN ART//HUMANITY AND QUANTUM CULTURE:

    see http://www.edscuola.it/archivio/lre/arte_e_scienza_contemporanea.pdf


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